divendres, 5 de juny del 2009

Just dance

Love story

Beverly Hills Chihuahua

(Un chihuahua en Beverly Hills)

There have been lots of good films about dogs recently and this one is very funny! Chloe is a pampered chihuahua who lives in Beverly Hills, a rich suburb of Los Angeles, USA. When Chloe gets lost on a visit to Mexico, she finds herself alone for the first time in her life.
She meets lots of new friends who help her get back home.

A Royal birthday

Queen Elizabet II's birthday is on 21 April. She wall be 83 years old!
She has decided to open her garden to the public.
Buckingham Palace has the biggest garden in London, with 322 types of flowers, 150 trees and tennis court. Tickets will cost 20 pounds (22 euros).
Who knows, maybe you will see the Queen!

divendres, 15 de maig del 2009


Te amo

Mis ojos lloran por ti